New Year 2023 Shayari | Special New Year Wishes in hindi | हर दिन का आनन्द लें, परमात्मा सबके साथ है।
सुख, संपत्ति, स्वरुप, संयम, सादगी, सफलता, साधना, संस्कार, स्वास्थ्य, सम्मान, शान्ति एवं समृध्दि की मंगलकामनाओं के साथ मेरे एवं मेरे परिवार की तरफ से आपको और आप के परिवार को नये साल की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

नया साल मुबारक
हर साल आता है, हर साल जाता है
इस साल आपको वो सब मिले
जो आपका Dil चाहता है।
सदा दूर रहो गम की परछाइयों से, सामना ना हो कभी तन्हाइयों से, हर अरमान हर ख्वाब पूरा हो आपका, यही दुआ है दिल की गहराइयों से!! नए साल की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं! New Year 2023 Shayari
हर साल आता है, हर साल जाता है; इस नये साल में आपको वो सब मिले जो आपका दिल चाहता है
International Conference of Principal and Teachers | इंटरनेशनल कांफ्रेंस ऑफ प्रिंसिपल एंड टीचर्स
नया साल मुबारक / Happy New Year
नए रंग हों नयी उमंगें, आंखों में उल्लास नया,
नए गगन को छू लेने का मन में हो विश्वास नया।
एक खूबसूरती, एक ताजगी एक सपना, एक सच्चाई, एक कल्पना, एक एहसास एक आस्था, एक विश्वास यही है एक अच्छे साल की शुरुआत नया साल मुबारक हो
नया साल मुबारक / Happy New Year
दुख का एक लम्हा भी आपके पास न आए
दुआ है मेरी कि ये साल आपके लिए खास बन जाए
सूरज की तरह चमकती रहे आपकी जिंदगी और सितारों की तरह झिलमिलाये आपका आंगन. इन दुआओं के साथ आपक नये साल की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं.
बीत गया जो साल, भूल जायें इस नये साल को
गले लगाये करते है दुआ हम रब से सर झुकाके
इस साल का सारे सपने पूरे हो
आपके Happy new year 2023
नया साल आया बनकर उजाला खुल जाए आपकी किस्मत का ताला हमेशा आप पर मेहरबान रहे ऊपर वाला यही दुआ करता है आपका ये दोस्त प्यारा नया साल मुबारक / Happy New Year
खुदा करे के नया साल आपको रास आ जाये, जिसे आप चाहते हो वो आपके पास आ जाये, आप इस साल कुंवारे न रहे, आपका रिश्ता लेकर आपकी होने वाली सास आ जाये! नया साल मुबारक / Happy New Year की शुभकामनाएं!
WISHES HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023- नया साल 2023 कैलेंडर और नया साल मुबारक ‘शायरी – New year 2023 calendar & Happy New Year Shayari

Date Day Holiday 2023
Date | Day | Holiday |
26 Jan | Thu | Republic Day |
18 Feb | Sat | Maha Shivaratri |
8 Mar | Wed | Holi |
30 Mar | Thu | Ram Navami |
7 Apr | Fri | Good Friday |
14 Apr | Fri | Dr Ambedkar Jayanti |
22 Apr | Sat | Idul Fitr |
5 May | Fri | Buddha Purnima |
29 Jun | Thu | Bakrid / Eid al Adha |
15 Aug | Tue | Independence Day |
31 Aug | Thu | Raksha Bandhan |
7 Sep | Thu | Janmashtami |
28 Sep | Thu | Eid e Milad |
2 Oct | Mon | Gandhi Jayanti |
24 Oct | Tue | Vijaya Dashami |
12 Nov | Sun | Diwali |
13 Nov | Mon | Deepavali Holiday |
15 Nov | Wed | Bhai Dooj |
27 Nov | Mon | Guru Nanak Jayanti |
25 Dec | Mon | Christmas Day |
This page contains a calendar of all 2023 public holidays for Uttarakhand. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. New Year 2023 Shayari
Date Day Holiday
26 Jan Thu Republic Day
18 Feb Sat Maha Shivaratri
8 Mar Wed Holi
30 Mar Thu Ram Navami
7 Apr Fri Good Friday
14 Apr Fri Dr Ambedkar Jayanti
22 Apr Sat Idul Fitr
5 May Fri Buddha Purnima
29 Jun Thu Bakrid / Eid al Adha
15 Aug Tue Independence Day
31 Aug Thu Raksha Bandhan
7 Sep Thu Janmashtami
28 Sep Thu Eid e Milad
2 Oct Mon Gandhi Jayanti
24 Oct Tue Vijaya Dashami
12 Nov Sun Diwali
13 Nov Mon Deepavali Holiday
15 Nov Wed Bhai Dooj
27 Nov Mon Guru Nanak Jayanti
25 Dec Mon Christmas Day
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2023 are released.
International Conference of Principal and Teachers
Governor Lt Gen Gurmeet Singh (Retd) attended the closing ceremony of the International Conference of Principals and Teachers organized by the Principals Progressive Schools Association (PPSA) at Pestel Weed College, Mussoorie Road as the chief guest. On this occasion, he honored educationists who have made commendable contribution in the field of education.
The Governor said that there are expectations of the society on the schools, on which the schools have to live up to. He said that our schools will play a very important role in realizing the dreams of New India. The schools provide quality education to the children and try to prepare them for leadership.
Appreciating the event organized by the association, the governor said that such events are very important for the quality of education and for positive changes in it. He said that the positive suggestions received through this two-day conference should be properly implemented. He said that it is progressive that has changed the world and created a developed society. Associations are bringing a revolution in the field of education on the strength of their progressive thinking. New Year 2023 ShayariWISHES HAPPY NEW YEAR
He told the educationists present that it is your responsibility to take India’s education system to the world level. Take your thinking, idea and perception to a level where people across the world are inspired to send their children to Indian schools. He said that a teacher is the only one who has the power to change the world.
You can make this trick a reality by providing better education to the children on the strength of your knowledge. He said that India’s education system has always been progressive. Our students and teachers have always been of a high standard. India’s values of life are fully capable of finding solutions to the innumerable problems of the world. Efforts should be made to make our schools world class on the strength of those values. WISHES HAPPY NEW YEAR
The Governor said that teachers will play an important role in building the 21st century. Welcoming educationists from different states to Uttarakhand, he appreciated their contribution to the education system. PPSA President Dr. Prem Kashyap, Vice President Mr. D.S.Man, Major General Sr.Nishami Sabarwal and principals and teachers of various schools were present in this program.