Mahakothig Fair | Every person of Uttarakhand will have his own employment : ukjosh

Mahakothig Fair | Every person of Uttarakhand will have his own employment

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Mahakothig Fair | Uttarakhand will have his own employment (स्वरोजगार विकसित)

Mahakothig Fair / महाकौथिग मेले
Mahakothig Fair | उत्तराखंड में स्वरोजगार (self-employment) विकसित करना हमारा लक्ष्य
  • Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahakari Samiti (उत्तराखंड जन विकास सहकारी समिति) participated in the Mahakauthaig fair with the farmers of Uttarakhand
  • Our only goal is to develop self-employment in Uttarakhand and increase the income of farmers – Jagdish Bhatt
  • Farmers of Tehri, Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag and Vikas Nagar are getting benefited through Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahakari Samiti in Mahakauthaig fair

Sara Tendulkar ने इस खूबसूरत मुस्कान से दुनिया में बनाई अपनी अलग पहचान

Dehradun: Farmers of Uttarakhand put up their stalls in the Mahakauthigh fair being organized in Delhi through the Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahakari Samiti. The Mahakauthaig fair has been organized at the stadium in Noida Sector 21.

Through this fair, the products of Uttarakhand have to be recognized at the national level. Shri Jagdish Bhatt, the founder of Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahakari Samiti, is benefiting the farmers associated with his committee through this fair and motivating all those farmers to display and sell their products in the fairs being organized at the national level.

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The people of Uttarakhand who are suffering from the pain of migration and unemployment, we want to provide self-employment to all those migrating people through this Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahakari Samiti and we will give a national help to the farmers who are not able to sell their products in Uttarakhand. Level market is also being provided.

Mahakothig Fair | उत्तराखंड में स्वरोजगार (self-employment) विकसित करना हमारा लक्ष्य

The farmers of Tehri, Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag and Vikas Nagar displayed their produce in this fair through Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahakari Samiti and are getting benefitted. Through the committee, the products of Uttarakhand, mainly Mandua, Gahat, Rajma, Jhangora, Bhatwani, Jakhya, Chaulai, Ginger, Turmeric, Arabic and different types of pickles have been kept on the stalls and all these products are coming to the fair. People are very fond of.

Jagdish Bhatt is also starting the Uttarakhand Bachao Andolan through Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahakari Samiti. Jagdish Bhatt said that Uttarakhand Bachao Andolan is one of the initiatives from our side, through which we want to make the people of Uttarakhand self-reliant, the people of Uttarakhand who are suffering from the pain of migration and unemployment, we are giving this Uttarakhand Jan Vikas We are also providing a national level market to those farmers who want to provide self-employment through cooperative society and are not able to sell their products in Uttarakhand.

The committee has full faith that in the coming days, we will increase the income of the farmers of Uttarakhand to a great extent, we will also connect those farmers who want to do self-employment through the Federation of Uttarakhand Entrepreneurs and for them goat farming, dairy as per their requirement.

To promote industry, fish farming, spice farming as well as other commercial farming, we will start proper training programs and we will give opportunities to the entrepreneurs of Uttarakhand at a national and international level, where they can present their ideas at international and national level. Can attract level investors.

Himalayan Agro, a partner organization of Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahyog Samiti, is marketing all the products of Uttarakhand at a national and international level in this fair, the same International IT company ‘New Gen Services’ can help this initiative of this Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Sahyog Samiti. is happening Founder Jagdish Bhatt as well as Tara Bhatt, Omkar Singh Koli, Sumit Thapliyal, Vikas Kumar, Prem Joshi, Harish Khulbe, Deepa Rawat and Leeladhar Pandey are present on behalf of the Uttarakhand Jan Vikas Samiti at the Mahakothig Mela.

Sara Tendulkar studies from the University College of London

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