Groww Contract Note | सफल ट्रेडों के विवरण के साथ आपका अनुबंध नोट : ukjosh

Groww Contract Note | सफल ट्रेडों के विवरण के साथ आपका अनुबंध नोट

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Groww Contract Note | सफल ट्रेडों के विवरण के साथ आपका अनुबंध नोट

प्रिय XXXX कुमार,

यहां 22-12-2023 के लिए सभी सफल ट्रेडों के विवरण के साथ आपका अनुबंध नोट है।

दस्तावेज़ पासवर्ड से सुरक्षित है. इसे एक्सेस करने के लिए, कृपया अपना पैन (बड़े अक्षरों में) टाइप करें।

अनुबंध नोट के बारे में पर्याप्त जानकारी नहीं है? जानने के लिए नीचे क्लिक करें.

अधिक जानते हैं।
अपने सभी उत्तर हमारे सहायता केंद्र⟶ पर पाएं

Dear XXXX Kumar, Groww Contract Note

Here’s your contract note with details of all the successful trades for 22-12-2023.

The document is password protected. To access it, please type in your PAN (in capital letters).

Don’t know enough about a contract note? Click below to find out.

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Dear Sir/Madam, Groww Contract Note

Please find attached, the details of Trades executed by you on BSE through your aforesaid Trading Member.

Please follow the procedure given below for opening the attachment:

  1. Click on the attachment provided with this email.
  2. You will be prompted for password.
  3.  The password is your PAN in upper case.

In case you have noticed any discrepancy/suggestion, you may write us at or send a letter to: BSE Ltd., Department of Investor Services, 1st Floor, Cama Building, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400001.

Yours faithfully,

Department of Investor Services

BSE Limited

S&P BSE BANKEX Derivatives will now be available with Monday Expiry w.e.f Oct 16, 2023

You are requested to note that in the event of trading member being declared as defaulter, all transactions executed on the exchange trading platform within 90 calendar days prior to the effective date of disablement of the trading member or after the latest monthly/quarterly settlement date, if any, in respect of the claimant whichever is later shall be considered eligible for compensation from IPF subject to Rules, Byelaws, Regulations, guidelines etc. of the Exchange and SEBI circulars and subject to the norms laid down by the relevant Committee.

Further, as per the extant regulatory norms, transaction / account is required to be settled by your broker in a timely manner and therefore, in case of non settlement by the Broker, lodge a complaint with the Exchange immediately. It may be noted that in the event of a broker being declared as a defaulter, claims of the funds/securities supported with a complaint lodged with Exchange within 120 days from the date of transaction will only be considered for compensation from Investor Protection Fund subject to extant Norms as available under the below mentioned link:

For Awareness of Investors –

निवेशकों की जागरूकता के लिए –

You are requested to take note of the Exchange’s norms with respect to claims against trading members who have been declared as defaulters. The said norms are available on Exchange website under Investor section. The link of the same is given below.

Groww Contract Note
Groww Contract Note

आपसे अनुरोध है कि ट्रेडिंग मेंबर जिन्हें डिफॉल्टर घोषित किया गया है उनके खिलाफ दावे के संबंध में आप एक्सचेंज के मानदंडों का ध्यान रखें |उक्त मानदंड एक्सचेंज कि वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध हैं | उसी का लिंक नीचे दिया गया है:

Norms with respect to claims against Trading members who disabled / suspended /declared defaulter prior to September 4, 2022:

4 सितंबर, 2022 से पहले अक्षम / निलंबित / डिफॉल्टर घोषित किये गए ट्रेडिंग मेंबर के खिलाफ दावों के संबंध में मानदंड:

Amended Norms with respect to claims against Trading members who disabled / suspended /declared defaulter post September 4, 2022:

4 सितंबर, 2022 के बाद अक्षम/निलंबित/ डिफॉल्टर घोषित किये गए ट्रेडिंग मेंबर के खिलाफ दावों के संबंध में संशोधित मानदंड:

The list of trading members who have been declared as defaulters is available at the following link:

जिन ट्रेडिंग मेंबर को डिफॉल्टर घोषित किया गया है, उनकी सूची निम्न लिंक पर उपलब्ध है |

PS: In case of any doubt/query in Hindi translation please rely on English version

टीप: अगर आपको हिंदी अनुवाद में कोई संदेह है तो कृपया अंग्रेजी संस्करण का संदर्भ लें।

Investor may follow the BSE Social Media Handles for Investor education:


Do’s & Dont’s Groww Contract Note

1. Deal only with registered intermediaries – check the registration certificate of the intermediary you are dealing with. It allows recourse to regulatory action.

2. Beware of fixed/guaranteed returns schemes. Brokers or any of their representatives are not authorized to offer fixed/guaranteed returns on your investment or enter into any loan agreement to pay interest on the funds/securities offered by you.

3. Do not fall prey to emails and SMSs luring you to trade in stock/ securities promising huge profits.

4. Ensure to fill all the required details in KYC document by yourself and receive duly signed copy of your KYC documents from your broker. Check for all conditions that have been agreed and accepted by you.

Adani Ports | बड़ी गिरावट के बाद तेजी सेे भारत का निफ्टी गिरावट के साथ बाद मुनाफावसूली के लिए खुला

5. Opt for electronic (e-mail) contract notes/financial statements only if you are computer savvy and have an e-mail account of your own. Don’t ignore any e-mails/SMSs received with regards to trades done by you. Verify the details of the same and report discrepancy, if any, to your broker in writing immediately.

6. Trade verification facility is also available on BSE website. Groww Contract Note

7. Check the frequency of accounts settlement opted for and verify your monthly/quarterly settlement statements. Any discrepancies observed therein should be brought to the notice of your broker in writing immediately.

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