Budget key highligts - Budget allocations ministry wise सरकार का लक्ष्य राजकोषीय घाटा कम करना है : ukjosh

Budget key highligts – Budget allocations ministry wise सरकार का लक्ष्य राजकोषीय घाटा कम करना है

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Budget allocations ministry wise Tourism projects infra

Budget allocations ministry wise Tourism projects infra to be taken up on Indian islands, including Lakshadweep. Long term interst free loans to be given to states to build iconic toursit centres


Average income fo people has increased by 50 precent inflation is moderate, people are getting equipped and enabled to pursue their passions,

Agriculture government will promote private and public investment in post harvest activities, including building fo modern storage facilities

Budget allocations ministry wise

93 days to 10 days reduction in tax returns processing time compared to 2014, making txa refunds faster,

pursuit of sabka saath goernment,

TRAVEL PARADISE ONLINE ट्रैवल पैराडाइज़ ऑनलाइन बीएफसी ग्रुप (उज्ज्वल भविष्य का सिक्का) का थाईलैंड में स्वागत है

Government aims to reduce fiscal deficit to golden moment to realize the dream of developed India,

withdrawal of outstanding direct tax demand ,

Allocation to a major scheme development of semiconductors and displya manufacturing,

Solar Power Grid,

ev government to support manufacturing and charging infrastructure. Greater adoption of e-buses for public transport netwroks to be encouraged,

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